Saturday 17 October 2020

National Polytechnic University Institute Bamenda Recognized for transforming the Private Higher Educational Sector in Cameroon

 See Award Event in Pictures

Vice Chancellor of National Polytechnic University Institute receives Award from Francis Ekongang Nzante, National Coordinator of CPA

VC Dr CA Akob Receives Award

The Vice Chancellor with CEO Mr Yong Jaques Achia in brown suit and Registrar Mr Ngalla Francis 

North West Region in Pictures


Tel: +237691520771/ +237671262198

Thursday 8 October 2020

Cameroon Performance Award Event at Flenhihbs Bamenda

Mr Nkwain Joseph, Director of Florence Nightingale Higher Institute of Health and Biomedical Sciences receiving Award from National Coordinator of Cameroon Performance Awards (above)

North West Region in Pictures
Tell: +237696896001/+237668794520

Monday 5 October 2020

Professor EGBE Philip Egbengu Receives Performance Award

 Royal Victoria Clinic Bamenda Honoured!

Professor EGBE PHILIP Egbengu takes CPA Crew on a tour of the Victoria Royal Clinic at Foncha Street in Bamenda

In the Wards

A patient undergoing treatment

At the Reception just before getting into the Laboratory.

Staff brandishing Award

North West Region in Pictures


Tel: +237696896001/ +237668794520

Thursday 1 October 2020

UBa Signs Specific Partnership Agreement for Expansion with National Polytechnic University Institute Bamenda


The Signing Exercise taking place in the Restaurant of the University of Bamenda on Sunday the 27th of September, 2020

An Edev Concept

North West Region in Pictures


Tel :+237696896001